Free Doorstep pickup in Chennai
  • (+91) 8939758500
Free Doorstep pickup in Chennai
  • (+91) 8939758500
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International Courier Service

Kamatchi Xpress Provides you a wide range of domestic delivery within India
Kamatchi Xpress always handle every non-document shipments with special care.
You can rely on our Document Express service on time delivery anywhere in the world
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I'm very pleased with your courier service. Deliveries are always timely and very accurate. If I ever have a problem or concern, it is addressed promptly and resolved. The delivery driver that I see daily is outstanding! Very professional drivers and always on time with the deliveries.

Sundar Rajan - Businessman
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Our delivery driver has gone way above and beyond for us. He saved us time and money several times by anticipating problems and letting us know ahead of time. It's really nice to have good people who care about what they do. Thanks!

Kumaran - Designer

Our Process

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Inspect the doorstep material and pickup.
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Ready Process for Forwarding
International courier service


Submission, Dispatch and Tracking
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Destination Delivery

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